Charleston, SC – March 11, 2013 – The Sanford for Congress campaign today kicked off its “Seven Reasons for Sanford” series, a daily reminder to voters in the First District that while others may talk about cutting debt and spending, Sanford has actually done it.
Today’s reason: In 2010, Sanford was rated the most fiscally conservative governor in America by the CATO Institute. From the report:
Mark Sanford of South Carolina has been a staunch supporter of spending restraint and pro-growth tax reforms. In 2005, he cut the top income tax rate for small businesses from 7 percent to 5 percent, and in 2007 he signed into law sales and income tax cuts. Sanford has proposed replacing the state’s income tax with a flat tax, and he has urged legislators to adopt a legal cap on the state’s budget growth. He has also proposed phasing out the state’s corporate income tax. On spending, Sanford’s budgets have been very frugal. In fiscal 2010, South Carolina’s general fund spending was expected to be slightly less than spending in Sanford’s first year in office, fiscal 2003.
“We challenged the longstanding practice in Columbia of spending everything that comes in every year, and worked to instead put taxpayers first,” Sanford said. “When you look at the numbers, Washington has put us on a trajectory for financial ruin as a country. I have a record as governor and in Congress of making sure future taxpayers aren’t stuck with the bill for today’s spending, and that’s exactly the kind of approach I would continue if elected.”